Banda/Band: Haken
Álbum/Album: Vector
Genero/Genre: Progressive Metal
Origen/Origin: Reino Unido
Formato/Calidad-Format/Quality: Mp3, 320 KBPS
1. Clear
2. The Good Doctor
3. Puzzle Box
4. Veil
5. Nil By Mouth
6. Host
7. A Cell Divides
8.. The Good Doctor (Instrumental Version)
9. Puzzle Box (Instrumental Version)
10. Veil (Instrumental Version)
11. Host (Instrumental Version)
12. A Cell Divides (Instrumental Version)
Duración/Duration: 1:21:45
1. Clear
2. The Good Doctor
3. Puzzle Box
4. Veil
5. Nil By Mouth
6. Host
7. A Cell Divides
8.. The Good Doctor (Instrumental Version)
9. Puzzle Box (Instrumental Version)
10. Veil (Instrumental Version)
11. Host (Instrumental Version)
12. A Cell Divides (Instrumental Version)
Duración/Duration: 1:21:45
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